Program Manager - Gap, Walmart Labs, Mozilla
Connect with Knowledge
Record, share, and discover technical information.
A collaborative video hub specially crafted for techies.
High-tech organizations love PixelMixer

Access your organization's collective wisdom
Connect Information Silos

Knowledge is captured as it is shared
The PixelMixer Assistant automatically joins your meetings, takes notes and detects the topics being discussed.

Keeps everyone on the same page
PixelMixer sends a summary, action items and smart reminders to those who attended the meeting.

No-one misses out
PixelMixer connects others with information based on the topics, teams, projects and people they are interested in.
Knowledge Collaboration
Screen Recorder
Add a personal touch to communications with our easy to use screen recorder, which includes engaging emotive backgrounds and automatic transcription.
Send via email, SMS, or Whatsapp!
Sharing a video has never been easier, or more secure.
Works with Slack and Teams
Stay informed within the flow of work. PixelMixer integrates elegantly with your existing messaging tools.
Ask the Chatbot Anything
Ever had a moment where you needed quick information about a past meeting or task? Our AI chat bot is here to help!
Knowledge Finds You
Connect with relevant topics being discussed within the organization, enhancing collaboration, knowledge sharing, and informed decision-making.
Channels, Playlists and More!
A single, content rich landing page for your projects, events, and teams. Integrates directly with Confluence, Teams, and Slack.
Built for the Enterprise
Works wherever you do
High-tech Customers
Faster Information Access
Topics Indexed
Questions Answered
Brilliant Success Stories
High-tech Teams at Work

Balancing the pressures of time and quality are an essential skill for software leaders...
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Some backstory on PixelMixer and the value realized by some noteworthy customers...
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"If your engineering organization is not as or more productive while working remotely..."
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